Youth Disengagement

Are youth disengaging?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. A growing number of young people are disengaging from mainstream schooling each year. An alarming report, “Those Who Disappear”, (Melbourne Graduate School of Education, 2019) describe an estimated amount of 50 000 school age young people detaching completely from any form of education across Australia at any one time. There are a variety of reasons for disengagement, however the report suggests that the key factors include:

  • Boredom, identity, school connectedness, academic motivation, sense of belonging, low self-esteem.
  • Socio-economic status.
  • Family dysfunction, mental illness, disability
  • Race, ethnicity, gender
  • Attendance
  • Participation
  • Behaviour
  • Difficulties in literacy/numeracy
  • Relationships with teacher, parents, peers, bullying.

The Mission Australia Youth Survey 2019 discovered that the top three personal concerns of young people over the past year include, coping with stress (49%), school or study problems (34%) and mental health (33%). In QLD a considerable factor adding to these issues included Bullying. 80.4% of respondents reported that they had experienced bullying at a School, TAFE or University in the past year.

There are significant numbers of young people across Australia who are struggling to fit into everyday schools due to issues associated with bullying, domestic violence, challenging family situations, anxiety, disability, mental health issues, anger management issues and behavioural disorders, boredom, gender and sexuality acceptance.

The need for alternative, supportive educational pathways is clear. Ohana College recognises the unique circumstances of each student, providing a personalised program that fosters not only academic achievement but also prioritises well-being, ultimately preparing students for success beyond graduation.

The College provides an extensive range of support for students including; experienced teaching staff, teacher aides, wellbeing coordinators, youth workers, nurses and a team of psychologists to provide onsite professional intervention and care as needed.

It is our aim to provide an alternative education environment that can support the needs of disengaged young people and with time and understanding begin to turn this trend around.

Ohana College offers a student centred approach to learning, with individual needs, interests and abilities at the forefront of what we do.

Reasons for Disengagement
Background / Context:

Students become disengaged, or at risk of disengagement, from mainstream schooling and seek enrolment at Ohana college for a variety of reasons. These are listed below:

  • Mental Health reasons (anxiety/depression)
  • Learning difficulties (including working 2 years or more below year level)
  • EAP verified disability under Education Adjustment Program
  • Family circumstances (low socio-economic backgrounds / previous family history)
  • Behavioural (suspension or expulsion from previous schools due to behavioural issues)
  • Previous bullying (victim and perpetrators)
  • Low attendance

What is Ohana Doing?
Below is a sample of the tools and strategies used at Ohana College to support our young people:
  • ICP Individual Curriculum Plan - 2 or more years below their chronological year level academically
  • EAP verified disability under Education Adjustment Program - Individual Education Programs - targeting specific goals for young people
  • Complex case management - psychologists' counselling and referrals
  • Responsive Behavioural Plans & Reflective practice
  • Re-engagement strategies through a variety of student-centred programs (PBL, The Arts, ABL, SEL)
  • Community engagement opportunities (Rosie's Outreach, Bleach Festival, Home Visits)

Australia-Wide Data
Recent Data
  • Recent data suggests that, in Australia, as many as 40% of students are consistently disengaged during class or unproductive in any given year (Goss & Sonnemann, 2019).
  • 1 in 80 students disengaged from mainstream schooling and enrolled in Queensland Independent Schools (ABS, 2019).
  • in 2019, more than 16.8% of young Australians between the ages of 15-24 were not involved in any form of work or study (ABS, 2019).
  • Mission Australia Survey (2019) and consistent with their findings from 2018, found that 41% reported a mental health issue; a doubling since 2016 (21%).
  • Upwards of 50,000 students are unaccounted for across the country (Watterston & O'Connell, 2019).

Houston, we have a problem
Recent Data
It is estimated that young people disengaging from school in Australia, has a social cost of  $616,200 over a lifetime (Watterston & O'Connell, 2019).

Campus Address

Building L15, Griffith University,
Facilities Lane, Meadowbrook,
QLD, 4131

Postal Address:

PO Box 394,
Varsity Lakes, 4227